De l’une à l’autre

composer apprendre et partager en mouvements

By : Collective publication

Language : French

Topics : Pedagogy and transmission

Format : Book

Number of pages : 320 pages

Publisher : Contredanse Editions

Year of publication : 2010

EAN : 9782930146324

From movement to drawing, from sensation to speech, this collective work questions dance and its translation processes.

Price :  28.00

De l’une à l’autre, from movement to drawing, from sensation to speech, this collective work questions dance and its translation processes. Dancers, choreographers, teachers and researchers present their practices and working methods, which illustrate these passages from one medium to another. Interviews, unpublished texts, scores and original examples of notation systems testify to the multiple facets of dance: its resources, its modes of composition, both individual and collective, its tools of communication and reflection.

With Janet Adler, F. Matthias Alexander, Thierry Bae, Art Becofsky, Dominique Boivin, Carla Bottiglieri, Melissa Borgmann, Walter Carrington, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Robert Ellis Dunn, Simone Forti, Lila Greene, Myriam Gourfink, Anna Halprin, Daria Halprin Lawrence Halprin, Patricia Kuypers, Rudolf Laban, Thomas Lehmen, Liz Lerman, Laurence Louppe, Denise Luccioni, Lisa Nelson, Steve Paxton, Mathias Poisson, François Raffinot, Julie Salgues, Norah Zuniga Shaw, Joan Skinner, Arlette Streri.


About the publication:

Listen to the interview with Baptiste Andrien and Florence Corin on the release of the book De l’une à l’autre, France Culture, A plus d’un titre, 15 July 2011.

→ Presentation of the book De l’une à l’autre :