Laurence Louppe
Laurence Louppe (1938 – 2012) is a historian specializing in the aesthetics of dance and the visual arts, and a choreographic artist. She is the author of Poétique de la danse contemporaine (Editions Contredanse, first published in 1997), translated into several languages, notably in English by Sally Gardner: Poetics of Contemporary Dance; She is also the author of Poétique de la danse contemporaine – La suite (Editions Contredanse, 2007). She has worked for many years with the Contredanse association, notably as a member of the artistic board.
Laurence Louppe has written for the newspaper Libération, the magazines Art Press, Nouvelles de danse, Pour la danse and Marsyas, as well as for the Bulletin du Centre national de danse contemporaine d’Angers. She is one of the authors of Danses tracées: dessins et notation des chorégraphes (Editions Dis Voir, 1994).
She set up an advanced training program in choreographic culture at Cefedem-Sud d’Aubagne, where she also taught. She has also taught at the Université de Québec à Montréal and PARTS (Brussels), and participated in several choreographic projects, notably with Alain Buffard and Lisa Nelson.
Several projects pay tribute to her immense work, including Laurence Louppe, une pensée vivante, cours au Cefedem Sud, Vol. 1 et 2 (Editions L’Harmattan, 2017) and Laurence Louppe, une pensée qui danse par Claude Sorin (CND).