Nouvelles de danse n° 20 : La transmission
By : Collective publication
Language : French
Topics : History and theory
Format : PDF
Publisher : Contredanse Editions
Price : € 5.00
Nouvelles de danse n° 20 : La transmission
“To prepare for the emergence of tomorrow’s dance, we need to stay in touch with yesterday’s dance, with its foundations, with its living source. And how, if not through teaching that enables students to find themselves, in opposition to or adherence to one (or more) traditions?” What kind of training structure do we need? What kind of teaching can open up potential in all its physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions? (Excerpt from the introduction by Patricia Kuypers).
With texts by Laurence Louppe (“Transmettre l’indicible”, “Les passeurs”), Jacqueline Robinson (“Réflexion avant un stage”), Merce Cunngham (“La fonction d’une technique pour la danse”), Wilfride Piollet (“A propos de la transmission de la danse classique”), Susan T. Klein (“La technique Klein”), as well as interviews with Nancy Stark-Smith and Anna Halprin (“La danse change le danseur”), and Patricia Kuypers and Michèle swennen (“Chorégraphier n’est pas transmettre”).