Nouvelles de danse n° 28 : L’intelligence du corps I
By : Collective publication
Language : French
Topics : History and theory
Format : PDF
Publisher : Contredanse Editions
Price : € 5.00
Nouvelles de danse n° 28 : L’intelligence du corps I
“In this first part of Nouvelles de danse’s dossier devoted to the intelligence of the body, we have chosen above all to present the thinking of those who laid the foundations for current developments in kinesiology, and whose preoccupations went far beyond dance. For the most part, it was by listening to people’s suffering that they sought ways of restoring greater potential for movement to people handicapped to varying degrees by our way of life.”
Excerpt from Patricia Kuypers‘ editorial note.
This issue notably presents the approaches of Gerda Alexander, Irmgard Bartenieff, Moshe Feldenkrais…
See also “Nouvelles de danse n° 29 : L’intelligence du corps II“