WEB-APP : Material for the Spine
A movement study
By : Baptiste Andrien, Florence Corin, Steve Paxton
Language : English, French
Translation : Denise Luccioni
Topics : Pedagogy and transmission
Format : Web App
Publisher : Contredanse Editions
Year of publication : 2008, 2019
The online interactive publication www.materialforthespine.com presents the technique developed by American dancer Steve Paxton through more than 4 hours of video content.
Price : € 25.00
Material for the Spine, a movement study is an interactive online publication (Web-app). Conceived by the dancer Steve Paxton as both a meditation on the spine and a technical approach, Material for the Spine focuses on experience acquired along his artistic journey: his study on walking, his experience as a dancer, the development of Contact Improvisation and his Aïkido practice. This 4 hour long interactive publication online features the technique in its formal dimension and underlying thought process. Exercises and physical explorations are combined with lectures and documents of original performances, aiming to “bring consciousness to the dark side of the body, its hidden aspect or its interior.”
This is the technological adaptation of the DVD-ROM under the same name, published in 2008 by Contredanse Editions.
Interface and web development by Emeric Florence & Sébastien Vanvelthem.
→ WEB-APP : Material for the Spine – www.materialforthespine.com
→ Material for the Spine – Trailer
Extracts from the WEP-APP :
Also published by Contredanse Editions:
You can also find his first book Gravity, Gravity Audiobook (original English version read by the author), its version on a beautiful collector vinyl and its French translation La gravité.