Danses en dormances

By : Marian Del Valle

Language : French

Format : Book

Number of pages : 288 pages

Publisher : Rhuthmos

EAN : 979-10-95155-22-5

“The dance withdraws, leaves the body. In writing, I accompany its disappearance. The nymph Echo gradually dematerializes, merges with the trees, merges with the stones and the rivers. Her voice is all that remains of her body. When Eurydice retreats and finds herself dead again, what happens to her? How does the life of the dances continue once they leave the body?” Marian del Valle.

Price :  14.00

Marian del Valle is a researcher, choreographer and dancer. She has a doctorate in art-dance and has taught dance theory and practice in various universities and art schools. She currently works at Contredanse, Brussels.


Also in our bookshop :

 Matières Vivantes. Danses-écritures en processus, Marian del Valle, Rhuthmos, 2017.