Goodbye Steve

Steve Paxton (Jan 21, 1939 – Feb 20, 2024)
We are saddened by the news of Steve Paxton’s death. He passed away on his farm in Vermont. Our thoughts are with his loved ones.
Dear Steve,
How can we say goodbye?
We were lucky enough to work with you for many years, to publish some of your researches and thoughts, to practice in the studio, to play Chinese checkers, to talk and laugh…
Memories come flooding back. Memories of our good hugs, vertebral columns committed to each other.
In Brussels, years ago, memories of you, alone in the space, during a Tuning Score practice with Lisa Nelson. You danced the end of that session, calling out “End” for each part of your body: “End hand”, “End arm”, “End leg”… “End universe”, with intelligence, humor and irony. You’ve reached the end of your body, Steve. End End.
A new tipping point in the experience of gravity.
Your presence will remain engraved in our memories, our bodies imbued with everything you’ve brought to the dance community on this planet. Thank you for all that!
We wish you, dear Steve, a good last nap. Love you.
Florence, Baptiste & the whole Contredanse team
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