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  • Nouvelles de Danse Nouvelles de danse

    Now available : Nouvelles de danse n°86

    © FW-B – Jean Poucet
    The latest issue of Nouvelles de danse is now available!

    This edition of Nouvelles de danse explores cultural rights.
    What are cultural rights? Is it a field of law? A moral and philosophical principle? A political vision? A set of practices? Or all of the above.
    This spring issue also looks at the dance of Isadora Duncan through the creation of Maria Clara Villa Lobos for young audiences, which retraces the life of the dancer and focuses on Danses en fête!

    With the participation of Rosita Boisseau, Nicolas Bras, Florent Delval, Anne Golaz, Isabelle Meurrens and Alexia Psarolis.


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