Nouvelles de Danse
Nouvelles de danse
Now available : Nouvelles de danse n°86

© FW-B – Jean Poucet
The latest issue of Nouvelles de danse is now available!
This edition of Nouvelles de danse explores cultural rights.
What are cultural rights? Is it a field of law? A moral and philosophical principle? A political vision? A set of practices? Or all of the above.
This spring issue also looks at the dance of Isadora Duncan through the creation of Maria Clara Villa Lobos for young audiences, which retraces the life of the dancer and focuses on Danses en fête!
With the participation of Rosita Boisseau, Nicolas Bras, Florent Delval, Anne Golaz, Isabelle Meurrens and Alexia Psarolis.
Other events and articles that may interest you

Call for Applications: Writing Grant and Publication in Dance
Are you working on a dance-related research project and wish to finalize and publish it? Contredanse and Charleroi danse are joining forces to offer a €3,000 writing grant, workspace, and editorial support to help you bring your research to completion and publication. Please note that the research and publication must be written in French. Who […]

Happy new year – the documentation centre is open
The documentation center is reopen. The team will welcome you on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00. Until your visit, don’t hesitate to start your research by consulting all the resources we have on Parade! See you soon, The Documentation Centre team.

To go further — Repertory and memory
À partir de quel moment une œuvre entre-elle au répertoire ? Est-ce le nombre de ses représentations, la fréquence de ses reprises, le caractère universel de son propos, la façon dont elle reflète l’identité d’un.e. auteur.e chorégraphe ? D’où naît cet élan, cette force, cette nécessité qui pousse un artiste à s’emparer et revisiter une œuvre ? Comment […]