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Nouvelles de danse n° 31 : Danse et dramaturgie
By : Collective publication
Language : French
Topics : History and theory
Format : PDF
Number of pages : 128 pages
Publisher : Contredanse Editions
Year of publication : 1997
EAN : 9782930146799
Price : € 5.00
“In Danse et dramaturgie, we examine the role of dramaturgy in contemporary dance. This questioning responds to a remark often made about dance performances: they lack a dramaturg. In other words, it lacks meaning. It’s amusing to note, in the course of the contributions, how the dramaturge’s function appears a priori to be that of censor of meaning, with the authority to say what makes sense and what doesn’t, a somewhat police-like role from which dance dramaturges seek to escape. If they refuse to be the trackers of meaning, couldn’t they play a slightly more provocative role? Demiurges, rather than dramatists. But would they then still give the choreographic work that extra credit its function is supposed to give it? ”
Excerpt from Patricia Kuypers‘ editorial note.