Nouvelles de danse n° 21 : La danse hors les murs
By : Collective publication
Language : French
Format : PDF
Publisher : Contredanse Editions
Price : € 5.00
Nouvelles de danse n° 21 : La danse hors les murs
“The street itself inspired me to create what I now call street choreographic events. This old man I once met in the streets of Aix, always dressed in the same way and tirelessly repeating the same movements – he washed his hands in a slow gesture, sometimes moistened his forehead by bringing it closer to his hand, which didn’t move… This man was directly part of a spectacular image.” Thus begins the text by choreographer Odile Duboc for this dossier “La danse hors les murs”. The studio and performance hall give way to the street, a park, a shoreline, a corridor, a church… with Anna Halprin, Daniel Dobbels and Mary Wigman, Carmen Blanco Principal and Patricia Saive, Clause Coldy, Olga de Soto.
This issue also includes an interview with Jennifer Tipton, “Lumière et temps-réel”, and an analysis of Trisha Brown’s work by Sally Sommer (a French translation of “The Sound of Movement”).