Éditions Contredanse
New ! WEB-APP : Anna Halprin, Dancing Life / Danser la vie

Find all the contents of the old DVD-ROM online! The interactive publication www.dancing-life.com is now available and traces the work and teaching of the American dancer Anna Halprin. Through the recording of an entire workshop, numerous archives and original interviews uncover the path of her artistic career and biography as well as a tutorial of the method she developed under the label of Life / Art Process.
More info on our online bookshop!
Other events and articles that may interest you

Les rendez-vous à voix haute – Lire la danse
Le 27 février au centre de documentation Une fois par mois, le centre de documentation vous invite à venir lire la danse et expérimenter le texte en lien avec sa relation directe au corps, réflexive ou sensible. Comment le texte se déverse-t-il dans le corps ? Comment celui-ci lui répond ? Nous aborderons ce 1er rendez-vous avec une […]

Call for Applications: Writing Grant and Publication in Dance
Are you working on a dance-related research project and wish to finalize and publish it? Contredanse and Charleroi danse are joining forces to offer a €3,000 writing grant, workspace, and editorial support to help you bring your research to completion and publication. Please note that the research and publication must be written in French. Who […]

Happy new year – the documentation centre is open
The documentation center is reopen. The team will welcome you on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00. Until your visit, don’t hesitate to start your research by consulting all the resources we have on Parade! See you soon, The Documentation Centre team.