Documentation Centre
Artistes in research — Anna Lea Ourø & Amalia Kasakove
The documentation center regularly welcomes artists in search of resources to nourish their projects. In early spring, we were delighted to welcome dancers and choreographers Anna Lea Ourø (DK) and Amalia Kasakove (FIN/SWE), in dramaturgy residency at La Bellone. Their duo A Ourø / A Kasakove is based in Copenhagen, where they co-founded the Dance Cooperative, a platform and studio run by some fifteen artist-performers. They are preparing the final part of a trilogy of works questioning how dance can constitute a space for loss. Their current research focuses on the tradition of drama and its forms of expression through the history of various artistic practices such as dance, theater and musical comedy.
Other events and articles that may interest you
Call for Applications: Writing Grant and Publication in Dance
Are you conducting a dance-related research project and wish to finalize and publish it?Contredanse and Charleroi danse are joining forces to offer a €3,000 writing grant, workspace, and editorial support to help you bring your research to completion and publication. Please note: The research and publication must be written in French. Who is it for?Dancers, […]
Happy new year – the documentation centre is open
The documentation center is reopen. The team will welcome you on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00. Until your visit, don’t hesitate to start your research by consulting all the resources we have on Parade! See you soon, The Documentation Centre team.
To go further — Repertory and memory
À partir de quel moment une œuvre entre-elle au répertoire ? Est-ce le nombre de ses représentations, la fréquence de ses reprises, le caractère universel de son propos, la façon dont elle reflète l’identité d’un.e. auteur.e chorégraphe ? D’où naît cet élan, cette force, cette nécessité qui pousse un artiste à s’emparer et revisiter une œuvre ? Comment […]