Nouvelles de danse n° 29 : L’intelligence du corps II

By : Collective publication

Language : French

Format : PDF

Publisher : Contredanse Editions

Price :  5.00

Nouvelles de danse n° 29 : L’intelligence du corps II

“In this second volume devoted to the intelligence of the body, we continue a reflection on the approaches developed in recent years by the disciples of the founders: those who are deepening the discoveries of their predecessors and evolving knowledge and applications to the field of dance. This raises the question of how scientific research also feeds into contemporary creation, giving artists increasingly refined “tools” for understanding themselves. With, as an undercurrent, the utopian question: can bodies become intelligent without love?”

Excerpt from Patricia Kuypers‘ editorial note.

See “Nouvelles de danse n° 28 : L’intelligence du corps I