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Nouvelles de danse n° 46-47
By : Collective publication
Language : French
Topics : Pedagogy and transmission
Format : PDF
Number of pages : 256 pages
Publisher : Contredanse Editions
Year of publication : 2001
EAN : 9782930146720
The book Incorporer explores the question of dance training. How do you teach dance today? Are there new ways of teaching? New practices? New teacher/teacher relationships? New spaces for transmission?
Price : € 12.00
Today, dance training has become a research project in itself. Whether teaching is nourished by the influence of somatic practices such as Body-Mind Centering, the Alexander Technique, Release Technique, the Feldenkrais Method or Analyse Du Mouvement, dancers are invited to find their own body’s intelligence. Contact Improvisation also leaves plenty of room for exploration, freedom and openness to one’s own choices. Dancers can experience their own responsibilities and personal development capacities, and gain a better understanding of what they’ve learned.
With texts by Christian Blaise, Alain Buffard, Cathie Caraker, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Dominique Dupuy, Claude Espinassier, Hubert Godard, Peter Goss, Julien Hamilton, Eva Karczag, Laurence Louppe, Claude Rabant, Joan Skinner, Nancy Starck Smith, Mabel E. Todd…